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01 General Information

When you contact Drezner Digital via email or phone, your personal data is saved for the purpose of dialogue with you. Personal data considered are: your name, email address and/or phone number, company name, gender, country of residence and title.
When you visit the website (, our analysis services collect the data that your browser shares, such as an IP address, which browser you use, which country you are browsing the website from and on which device you are visiting the website. These data are used solely for the analytics purposes and are under no condition shared with third parties for the marketing purposes.

02 Data Processing

If you have an ongoing collaboration with Drezner Digital or if you want to start a collaboration with us, your data will be saved in records for customers and potential customers. Personal data collected during an ongoing collaboration will be covered in a separate agreement on the specific collaboration.
If you contact Drezner Digital via social media, such as Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn, you are only sharing your personal data with the social platform—not directly with us. We do not handle your data outside these social media, unless you have given us the direct consent.

03 Marketing

Unless directly asked to remove your data, we will keep it for the purpose of future collaborations. Your data will be used solely for this purpose, and will not be used for any other purpose, such as the ones stated above.
We will never sell your data to anyone, nor use it for the external marketing purposes, such as newsletter or campaigns. As the current or past customer, you may however be invited to the newsletter through the email which you have shared with us. You will, however, not receive one unless you gave us the direct consent.

04 Data Protection

Your data is strictly protected from loss, manipulation and unauthorised access. No one except Drezner Digital has the access to your personal data. We constantly adapt our security measures in line with technological developments in order to keep your data safe.

05 Cookies

A cookie is a small text file that is saved on your computer, tablet or mobile device and is retrieved from there on the following visits to the Drezner Digital website. We use cookies in order to simplify your browsing experience. We do not use cookies to store your personal data, share it with third parties or for advertisement purposes.

06 Google Analytics

We use cookies from third parties, such as Google Analytics, for the sole purpose of collecting statistics about the visitors of Drezner Digital website. The cookies concerned are both permanent and temporary. These cookies are saved as files on your device for a maximum of 24 months.

07 Calendly

When you book a meeting slot via Calendly, we ask you to share your personal data such as name and email, as well as answer to a couple of questions regarding your expectations and how you learnt about Drezner Digital. We collect this information for the sole purpose of learning more about you and preparing for the meeting. We will never share this information with anyone unless you give us your direct consent. We do not use this data for marketing purposes.

08 Wordfence

At Drezner Digital, we use the Wordfence software to enhance the security of our website. Wordfence is a comprehensive security solution that helps protect against various online threats such as malware, hacking attempts, and unauthorised access.
The data stored within Wordfence primarily consists of security-related information, including logs of login attempts, IP addresses, and other relevant security events. This data is stored securely within our database and is only accessible by us. We do not share this data with anyone, nor use it for marketing purposes.

09 Links

Our website may contain links to other websites. We do not have control over these websites and are not familiar with their way of handling the data privacy. We are not responsible for the content of these websites, but share these links in order to make it easier for you to find more information about a certain topic.

10 Contact

If you want to learn more about how we process your data, or want us to delete your personal data, contact us at:
Last reviewed on February 10, 2024.