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Content Creation • Social Media

CCG — Careers in the Common Good

2021–2023 | Hungary, Budapest


Careers in the Common Good (CCG) is an NGO founded in Budapest, Hungary, whose mission is to inspire and empower youth to make meaningful steps in their lives and careers. They organise events, webinars and tutoring sessions for those willing to change their paths and learn new skills but also be brave to make challenging professional choices.


During our collaboration with CCG, our main task was to deliver colourful and informative graphics and documents for social media and promotion usage. We created posts for Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin, designed banners and stories and wrote occasional newsletter pieces.

Social Media Wizard

Careers in the Common Good has regularly offered internships in graphic design and content creation for young creatives who wish to get industry experience. We designed a set of posts and stories for their upcoming internship application that they could use while searching for new interns.

Banners and Newsletter

A large part of CCG’s communication happens through a newsletter that they usually send out every one or two months. Apart from writing some paragraphs now and then, we were responsible for creating banners and graphics for their newsletter, Eventbrite and website.

Official Documents

CCG has actively organised events for young individuals and relied on many networking activities. Our responsibilities included designing official documents that would be part of the application process. In total, we designed documents for four occasions.

SDG Tips

CCG is actively engaged in sustainability, and they consider it one of the most prominent topics of their activities. They promote Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and try to include them in their operations. We designed a couple of educational posts regarding SDGs that CCG posted on their social media in the form of a series.

SDG Countdown

We created a set of posts and stories for an Instagram-held series about Sustainable Development goals. In December, every week, we would post daily stories about each SDG, emphasising the importance of sustainability in everyday life. At the end of every week, we would publish a recap post that discussed briefly two–three goals highlighted that week.

How to: SDG

How to: SDG is a series of posts highlighting the Eastern European countries’ initiatives towards being more sustainable. Each post is devoted to one country and presents its most prominent achievements. For the series, I designed six sets of posts for six countries: Czech Republic, Poland, Kosovo, Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia.

Career Path Seminar

Career Path Seminar (CPS) is a 4-day online event created by CCG. It is a five-module seminar that includes self-reflection tools, interactive sessions, and teamwork activities. For the event, we designed Instagram posts that CCG used in the marketing.