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Content Creation • Social Media • Photography

Cukiernia Dominika

2020–2023 | Poland, Białystok


Cukiernia Dominika is a local Polish confectionery founded in 1946 and run by the married couple—Dorota and Paweł. 6 days a week, from Monday to Saturday, they bake cookies, cupcakes, buns and cakes for residents of Białystok. With years of experience, they are one of the most known pastry shops in the city.


Cukiernia Dominika lacked a proper digital strategy and online presence. Throughout our collaboration, we created content for social media, managed the online store and photographed the pastries. The pastry shop has been closed for a couple of months between 12/2023 and 04/2024. Therefore, our collaboration finished. In May 2024, we created a new website for Cukiernia Dominika.

Social Media

The core part of our work for Cukiernia Dominika consisted of creating posts for social media, Facebook and Instagram. Some posts were pictures taken by us and then edited. The other ones—graphics designed in Illustrator, usually posted during events, summer breaks and holidays. We also took care of the copy and were responsible for producing any written content.


During Christmas time, Cukiernia Dominika would offer a limited selection of Christmas products, including traditional cakes and pastries. For Christmas, we would design posts and stories differently—to distinguish them from regular ones and, therefore, focus solely on the holiday offering.

Graphical Elements

Apart from stories, we designed graphics that Cukiernia Dominika can use during events and holidays. The graphics include posts, banners, icons, etc. and could be used across Instagram and Facebook. Although visually different, they all share the same notion of pink, cuteness and sweetness.
An Instagram story showing a bunch of small, star-shaped cookies.
An Instagram story showing a bunch of shortcrust biscuits with a fruit jam.
An Instagram story showing little sweet balls covered in chocolate glaze with different toppings.
An Instagram story showing a bunch of sweet buns ready to go into the oven.
An Instagram story showing a hand holding a cinnamon bun.
An Instagram story showing a bunch of small chocolate-covered balls with different toppings.
An Instagram story showing a bunch of pastries and cakes in a fridge.
An Instagram story showing a bunch of small, star-shaped cookies.
An Instagram story showing four cupcakes with vanilla cream and strawberries, kiwis and peaches on top.

Daily Stories

Apart from stories, we designed graphics that Cukiernia Dominika can use during events and holidays. The graphics include posts, banners, icons, etc. and could be used across Instagram and Facebook. Although visually different, they all share the same notion of pink, cuteness and sweetness.


We are no longer managing Cukiernia Dominika’s social media. Any content created after December 2023 does not belong to us and should not be accredited. In May 2024, we created a new website for the pastry shop, focusing on history and assortment instead of e-commerce.